We are serious about the call to build up the local church.

In direct response to our mission statement’s directive towards "building the local church," Choshen Farm works through the Mansa Pastor’s Fellowship – a multi-denominational body of over 50 pastors from Mansa District.

What is the mansa pastor's fellowship?

The Fellowship exists to encourage and equip the body of Christ to represent the gospel and expand the Church’s influence throughout the region. Choshen’s role within the fellowship is to be a direct encouragement and source of resource mobilization for the pastors who each lead individual (and sometimes multiple) congregations.

In what ways do you partner with local ministries?

Through our relationships with this group of pastors, we are fortunate to be able to meet a variety of needs, including leading seminars for ministry leaders, hosting camps, conferences, and retreats, and facilitating all-fellowship gatherings for the pastors and their wives. We are also pleased to regularly preach the Word in a variety of churches around the region.

what does your theological training program look like?

Choshen Farm is committed to providing quality theological training to as many pastors as possible. Two to three times per year, we organize a district-wide conference focusing on a specific theme, in order to give pastors and their church leaders a chance to dive more deeply into the Word, and to grow up their knowledge and understanding of the whole of scripture.

what else are you doing?

Taking a more literal interpretation of the phrase “building the local church,” we also invest significant capital each year into the construction of churches in our area. Ensuring that congregations have adequate facilities in which to meet and minister is an important part of gospel proclamation and we consider it a special opportunity to be able to provide for their tangible needs in this way.

Help us build up the local church in Zambia.